Saturday, December 4, 2010

some of the greatest ninja fails on the Internet

If you're going to engage in nunchuck fighting, do yourself a favor and invest in lessons first. And a nut cup.

What this kid lacks in ninjitsu skills, he makes up for with his totally sweet hairdo. Watch his mullet ponytail fly at the 5:04 mark, when he debuts his two-sworded "dragon twister move."

Many say that breaking a stack of bricks with your bare hands requires little more than the power of mind over matter. We would argue that it also requires aim.

This is what happens when you watch "Karate Kid" one too many times. Sweep the leg, kid! Sweep the leg!

This compilation has it all: seven ninja warriors, jump kicks, nunchucks, menacing threats ("I hope you like pain!") and a heaping spoonful of fail.