Monday, January 31, 2011

F*ck actors

I don’t know what the fuck is going on lately but there is seemingly a new awards show on every weekend right now. Like I’m 101% positive I watched the same exact show last night that I watched the week before. Same exact. Just actors sucking each other’s dicks left and right talking about how talented they are. The craft this and the craft that. Enough already! It drives me insane. You’re not that fucking talented! Anybody can fucking act if they are born gorgeous. 99% of our smoke shows could be actresses if given the opportunity. It’s all about being smoking hot and being lucky. That’s it. I mean did you hear Christian’s Bale’s advice on how to break into the business? “Find people interesting.” Seriously that’s what he said. That’s how you break into Hollywood. Find people interesting…Umm okay.. Bottom-line is that being an actor is no different than being a model. The only difference is models don’t pretend that they are anything but hot and they don’t throw parties for themselves every 10 seconds talking about how awesome they are. It’s a joke. Fuck actors.