Wednesday, January 5, 2011

An Illinois-area bus driver quit his job under pressure from bosses after he ran over a snowman in this video below. That’s right, a snowman. Weird.

The snowman was in the middle of the road in the University of Illinois campus. It’s unclear as to who made the snowman and as to who was filming the incident.

Now I love a good snowman-based mystery. Here’s what I don’t get: Why would the bus driver be pressured to quit after hitting a snowman? Is a snowman like a gateway drug to the bus driver running over small children? I mean it’s certainly not nice to run over a Snow-based American in cold blood like he did, but at the same time, it’s just a snowman. He doesn’t even have legs.

I guess my point is that yet again, snowpeople advocacy groups are proven to be the most powerful lobbying force in America. Where will it all end?